About Disaster Relief Fund COVID-19
An extraordinary time requires extraordinary solidarity
Support children and families of our schools impacted by COVID-19 through food security and hygiene distribution
The coronavirus pandemic is spreading worldwide and affects everyone personally. But it hits those that have the least possibilities to stay safe and healthy the hardest.
All of the schools we have supported in the last years are closed by now as a protective measure. However, for a lot of children and their families, this has far-reaching consequences. "Physical distancing" is a privilege. It means you can afford to stay at home. Very few people in poor countries can. Many of the parents are day labourers who no longer earn money to provide the families with essential resources like food, drinking water and hygiene articles.
Our implementing partners on ground started to actively distribute emergency packages containing the most essential items.
Together with you we want to support them and launch an emergency relief fund.
From this pool, the funds will be distributed among the different projects, depending on the greatest need. This allows us to respond directly, quickly and flexibly to the constantly changing situation.
All funding will be distributed completely transparently - and as always 100% of the donations will reach the families directly.
Initial Priority Countries:
1) Lebanon
Especially in refugee camps, where people live close to each other in tents, and where the hygienic situation is insufficient, COVID-19 could cause a large number of deaths and suffering. In addition to the severe danger of inadequate medical care, the camp in Bar Elias also faces the problem of lacking drinking water and insufficient food supplies. Our implementing partner will use the donations to increase hygienic measures by distributing soap and disinfectants and providing drinking water and food supplies to each family of the school.
Implementing Partner: Zeltschule e.V.
2) Niger
Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world. Even under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult for the majority of Nigeriens to feed themselves and their families. The only meal children in Remember Niger’s programs receive is at school and with schools closed; these children are at high risk of hunger and malnourishment. Urgently needed relief packages, including food and hygiene articles, will be distributed to over 1,800 students and their families.
Implementing Partner: Remember Niger Coalition
3) Kenya
Most families of the school are day-laborers and all possibilities to earn money just disappeared. The school principal and her team started to prepare emergency packages, including hygiene articles, to support the families in this crisis.
Implementing Partner: Hope Children's Centre
4) South Africa
For now, our implementing partner supports twenty families with meals for the week and hygiene products; the number is continually rising as more and more parents are becoming unemployed. Schools are closed at least until the end of April.
Implementing Partner: Molo Mhlaba
Your donation will go directly towards the distribution of essential food and hygiene articles for the families.